As with our 2022 Annual Meeting, due to concern surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it was decided that a formal meeting such as we normally have could not be done. As a result, the meeting was held "virtually", on March 9 using the ZOOM Video Conferencing tool. This meeting actually consisted of the normal 2 portions, with the "Guest Speaker" portion first and the "Business" portion immediately following. Both were recorded without a break.

This year's Guest Speaker was Maisa L. Tisdale, President and CEO of the Mary & Eliza Freeman Center for History and Community. Per the meeting's Flyer, Maisa focused on sisters Mary and Eliza Freeman, two accomplished black women in antebellum Connecticut. The Freeman houses are the only surviving structures from Little Liberia, a seafaring community of free people of color located on the outskirts of Bridgeport proper during the 1800s. The story of the Freeman sisters and Little Liberia is one of perseverance and success for people of color during an era when over one million individuals were enslaved within the United States. Maisa also discussed the racial inequities the community faced post-Civil War that ultimately contributed to the disappearance of Little Liberia.

> The Mary & Eliza Freeman Center's website can be accessed at Freeman Center.
> Its Facebook page can be accessed at Freeman Center Facebook.
> This year's Flyer can be accessed by clicking 2022 Meeting Flyer.

Scott Brady kept the meeting moving along:

> Recording Secretary Mike Cahill provided a year-in-review report on FOSA's 2021 activities.

> FOSA Treasurer Jim Trocchi presented the Treasurer's Report for 2021.

> CT State Archaeologist Sarah Sportman gave the OSA report, describing OSA activities during 2021 to the accompaniment of several images.

> Scott Brady is stepping down as President, having completed his 2-term limit. Glenda Rose was nominated and approved as his replacement as President. The position of Vice President is open. Tom Burns is leaving the Board; his position as Volunteer Coordinator is thus also open.

> Due to there being no formal meeting this year, there was no Certificate of Appreciation award in this meeting. Rather, it will be deferred to next year's meeting.

Below is a screen print of the attendees. Several others joined and left, but this is a decent sample.