January 25, 2015
The Friends of the Office of State Archaeology, Inc., gratefully acknowledge the outstanding contributions of Cynthia Redman in enhancing the organization's management during three terms as president, and in devoting years of attention to improve the office's library. Her skills as an organizer and leader greatly improved the organization's committee structure, in part through her careful delegation of authority. Cynthia's skills as a teacher engaged children and adults at excavations, and widened the role of volunteers in many other activities. We look forward to many more years of her wisdom and contributions.
Mandy Ranslow, President                   Brian D. Jones, Connecticut State Archaeologist

January 24, 2015
The Friends of the Office of State Archaeology, Inc., gratefully acknowledge the outstanding service of Joan McCarthy in her work as the organization's corresponding secretary. Joan's skills in turning membership data into letters and membership cards kept up with the organization's growth, and strengthened its management. Her service was particularly selfless, as she refused virtually all reimbursement for correspondence costs. We thank her for her careful work, and look forward to many more years of her assistance to membership efforts.
Mandy Ranslow, President                   Brian D. Jones, Connecticut State Archaeologist